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כשרון זה בולשיט - talent is bullshit

דרג פוסט זה
על ידי בתאריך 21/03/2009 שעה 23:22 (1156 צפיות)
קודם כל, מצטער, אבל את הבלוג שלי אני כותב באנגלית.
כל מי שכן עובר את כל התהליך הארוך של הקריאה, טזל"מ ! אני גאה בכם, ותודה שקראתם את מה שהיה לי להגיד :)

Talent is bullshit

* Thesis presentation
* Examples
* Reasons explaining why
* Summary

I'll start off by stating that one of my pets died a couple of days ago, and I'm probably sucking half the energy required to write this blog post from the recent event's anguish.

No matter how incompetent you seem to be at something, you can sometimes appear to be a perfect apparition of the master of that skill to some members of our awesome society.
They'll stand in awe, admiring a work that took sweat and tears for you to complete, and yet you're aware that it's a piece of shit when you consider the complexity of professional industry standard wizards.
I have some skills, and one of them is the ability to visualize things on top of a paper (or a digital sheet) better than the bigger part of our society.
I easily without much consideration throw a definition of my skill as mediocre for the least, and it is because I don't get as much practice at it as I want.
I can taint my mind with thoughts that I'm not talented like a few others, and worship those wizards in blind respect, thinking that they were born with such a huge and inapproachable talent. By thus, depriving myself from real progress by practice, self challenge and professional constructive criticism (a rarity, by the way).

My skill is mostly admired because I can (out of the blue ) outline a physical being almost perfectly, but I cannot add volume and color without commiting a sin against art somewhere in that work.
And I work on color and volume, I practice whenever I can. But I have other things occupying most of my time.

What I come to talk of is the myth of talent.
What is talent ?
The first definition upon using Google's define command is : "endowment: natural abilities or qualities".
I think talent is bullshit. It is used to cover up certain negative perks a human being might posses, or perhaps this person uses the excuse of talent to sweep under the rug the laziness of that person, or hide some disbelief in one's potential, considering mass population and lack of vacancies.
Of course, the ability to draw with satisfactory results requires many other skills - a good grip, knowledge of tools used and experience with them, patience, analysis of technical properties and some others.
Sometimes tools being used affect the quality of the work, but I do believe the quality of the tool can only affect the transition from a very good work to an excellent work i.e : tools don't affect the beginner much.

Why do people commit their life to blaming their genes for not granting them that talent they desire with their soul?

Oh, please. Look at the activities that occupy a huge portion of our workforce, and the young lings - TV, watching a fucking screen for hours at a time. Talking of bullshit, plain repetitive bullshit that has a repulsive source of inspiration.
The newspapers turned into a piece of colorful chewed wood with time wasting shit printed there.
I couldn't possibly understand why would anyone want to know what a certain celebrity ate for his or her breakfast and how does that contradict that pattern that was seen before during all the other breakfasts in the past year.
Do we require the presence of modern gods? Does technology deny ancient deities such as Zeus and Ra? Do we in result turn to DiCaprio (the fucking internet corrected my 'Dicaprio' to 'DiCaprio'!) and A.Jolie ?

All those activities turned addictions make the brain lazy, and the thought of talent achieves a greater space in our minds. Look at the modern gods, they're very talented and RICH. We can never be those things, we're useless pieces of junk born to serve others.
Those gods, can play different roles of talented people, living in worlds where a talent makes them unique. But still, this talent is not achieved, it is given upon birth from the gene pool of their ancestors.
This is not something we control, the message rings.

To summarize everything I wrote here for those who were too impatient to dedicate the time to read everything thoroughly- Talent is a bucket full of shit, used to describe something one cannot achieve if he ain't got it in the first place.

If you dedicate time to look upon your soul, and see the shit floating there, and taking more time to fix your own habits, to kill some addictions, you'll see more vividly the true colors of this world. And perhaps you'll be able to add some color of your own to this world, and it'll thank you back. The most intelligent denizens of this world will thank you back.
Thanks you for reading this.

ללא קטגוריה


  1. הסמל האישי של CornFlakes
    מסכים חלקית.

    ידוע [מתוך כתבה בעיתון 7 ימים של ידיעות אחרונות] שאנשים שמוגדרים כביכול כ"כישרוניים", מתברר שהם רכשו את הנסיון בזכות ההשקעה שלהם למשך לפחות 10,000 שעות.
    כלומר, אחרי 10,000 שעות של אימונים בדבר מסויים- בדר"כ זו הנקודה הקריטית הממוצעת, שבה ה"כישרון" מתגלה- ונוצר מישהו/משהו יוצא דופן.
    ככה לדוגמא מוצרט [בזכות אביו המתעלל, שהיכה אותו על כל פעם שהחמיץ את הנגינה בפסנתר]- הפך להיות לגאון בעל שם, לאחר כבערך 11,000 שעות נגינה על פסנתר.

    כמובן שזה לא נעשה בבת אחת.. 10,000 זה בממוצע 10 שנים+, אם מתאמנים כל יום.

    אז לנקודה שלי-
    כישרון זה, כפי שאמרת, באמת בולשיט. הכל תלוי בכמה בנאדם מוכן להשקיע- על מנת שיהיה לו כישרון במשהו.
    זה לא עניין של האם נולדת עם זה, זה עניין של כמה רחוק אתה מוכן ללכת עם זה.

    אז אם אתה רוצה להיות זמר- אחרי 10,000 שעות אימוני זמר, תהיה זמר מצויין.
    אם אתה רוצה להיות טוב במחשבים- אחרי 10,000 שעות לימוד על מדעי המחשב, תוכל להיות מומחה מחשבים.

    זה לא כישרון, זה אימון וכוח התמדה.
  2. הסמל האישי של CornFlakes
    אה, ו-10 שנים זה 889,200 שעות.

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